Peace Gourmet Honey is produced from the finest floral varieties of nectars from the Peace Country in North West Alberta.
The WildBerry honey is harvested by the bees from the flowers of Saskatoon, Choke Cherry, wild Raspberry and Strawberry, High Bush Cranberry, Wild Rose among the naturally growing flowers on the banks of the majestic Peace River. It has a natural fruity taste that remembers its origin and is highly appreciated by our customers. Our honey makes an excellent gift for a corporate event or for a wedding. Custom labels add that special touch. Also available is the famous Clover Fields honey from fields of Alsike and Red Clover and Alfalfa at the end of a range road by the foot hills of Northern Alberta. It is a mild tasting honey with a butterscotch final note that you should try in your cuisine. The Alfalfa honey is praised by those who look for a stronger "honey" flavor for enhancing baking or preserves family made. The Sweet Clover honey has a mild and delicate taste with a Honey Suckle note. It crystallized into a soft cream honey too. All our bee yards are harvested separately in order to preserve their unique character. They are separated by a minimum of 2 miles from mono-cultural crops to preserve their purity. Peace Gourmet Honey was started in 1998 by Jean Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge a.k.a. "Jean des Abeilles" and is an artisanal enterprise specialized in the production of fine floral honey in gift package that can be customized for special events for your pleasure and the one of your friends and guests. Here, you’ll find that honey is a natural treat offered by the bees in a very special way. Email jeandesabeilles@yahoo,ca Box 151 Hines Creek, Alberta T0H 2A0 Phone 1 (780) 251-2337 Phone 1 (780) 251-BEES You won’t find a superior gourmet honey like this on a regular grocery store shelf.